

It Wasn’t The Best At All!

Complaint: A few weeks back I saw an ad on the world wide web. It was from your online casino claiming to be “the best!”. So I signed up to give it a jiffety-go, prepared to be literally blown off my feet. Prior to playing, I even sent a fax to the customer support asking whether such claim could possibly be correct. Soon thereafter, I got a returning fax claiming such statement to be entirely true.

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Said and done, I was rather excited about having identified the best online casino on the entire world wide web. The number one! The reason I wanted to play some casinos was that I played a lot of bingo during my time in the Korean War. It is the best game around. It amused me and pretty much kept me alive throughout such trialing times. Those balls would pop up in my head on the battlefield, and this distraction would keep me in a focused yet meditative state of mind. (And sometimes I would even win in my head, too!) As you can see, I have a strong tie to bingo and had now been looking forward to experiencing it at the best possible world wide web casino in Canada. The best! But not so much. Best my vest!

Neither the bingo game nor the casino was the best. Frankly speaking, I did not care much for them at all! My question – and I guess complaint, too – is how you can legally justify spreading such world wide web lies as to make claims to being the best when in fact you are not the best.

“Best” is a strong word, just like “I love you”. I have said it to one woman in my life, and one only. She, too, loved bingo. In fact, bingo was what kept us together, for we had little else in common. Now, that’s “best” for you.

Well, as you may perceive from my rather impatient tone, I am rather displeased by your best of the best claims. Being at war was more amusing than playing at your silly pretend joint.

My question to you now is: How exactly do I go about to press charges for false advertisement? I lost half my pension allowance for this month at your “best” bingo casino. In Korea, at lease I won some times. In fact, quite often. That’s the best! Not this made up nonsense.

Trevor Kurzweil, 76
Dissatisfied customer of XYZ Online Casino

Reply: Dear Trevor,

I am terribly sorry to hear about your experience and your disappointment in the casino establishment in fact not being the best, and that experiencing war was a more rewarding experience to you. As you yourself rightly proclaim, good, better and best are all subjective. Casinos themselves typically believe themselves to be the best, and hence it is a truthful statement from a legal point of view. A subjective truth, if we were to become somewhat philosophical.

I’m afraid you may find it difficult to press charges for the use of the word “best”. It is a commonly utilized marketing word not within just our industry, but within most industries on a global scale. It’s as much a way to attract attention as it is a subjective reality. Casinos notoriously work hard, and typically believe they are the best at what they do. It’s a pride of the industry of sorts. Of course, everyone may not share that conclusion, but it makes it no less valid.

Best regards,
Ursula Meier Lop

Ursula Meier Lop

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